10 Simple Routines To Support Your Daily Life

2 min readSep 30, 2020

Life is not easy every day! One can quickly be swept away in a depressive atmosphere between job, home, and the tiny unexpected inconveniences. Here is a list of ten ( 10) healthy practices to follow to help your daily life to fix this.

Finally, the first step for our well-being is to go to bed. To us who go to bed early, the future still belongs.

5. Listen to a podcast for inspiration

The very last one on our list of healthy habits is very relevant if you’re going to adhere to the first habit on our list. This is because the screens have taken such a role in our everyday lives that we sometimes forget they are not necessarily a source of well-being. To prefer times alone, with relatives or merely for a good night’s sleep, set up a “curfew” for the screens. For example, from 9 p.m., turn off everything except the phone (stay reachable). For the latter, you can just turn off the wifi.

Originally published at https://gizmoroboword.blogspot.com on September 30, 2020.

